
Monday, December 6, 2010

Etsy Shop & Discount Code are probably done Christmas Shopping by now. ☻ I am pretty much done myself.

I sewed up a small storm a few months ago...and would you believe I am just getting around to posting some of it in my etsy shop. Yep....procrastinating....not good at Christmas when there is too much to do....

So if you need a little Christmas gift still...take a look. :)  - It is right over there on the right------ or at the bottom of this post...

As you know- it is mostly car cozies- and you can make you own -using my tute- or you can save yourself some time, and just buy one. :)

AND...since I have procrastinated...HERE is a COUPON CODE- if you are still in need of a Christmas gift- (not that you have procrastinated- you still have time - wink wink...) 

Enter code CHRISTMAS2010 at checkout, and get 10% off any purchase!

(This only applies to my shop)

Happy Holidays!! (and BTW- I will ship items right away!!:) -no procrastinating in that department....)

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