
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chocolate Banana Nutella Pie

 I came up with this one a few weeks ago. I was having a craving for chocolate and ice cream and we had neither one in the house. But this did the trick! It was so good!  Sorry I have been keeping it from you! If you are a NUTELLA lover, a chocolate lover and a banana and chocolate lover- this one is for you! This is a easy layered dessert- so I'll explain it layer by layer.

Chocolate Banana Nutella Pie

You need:
graham cracker pie crust
frozen bananas- about 4-6 (depends how much banana layer you want)
a little milk
chocolate instant pudding (small box)
1 container cool whip (8 oz size)
Layer one: Graham Cracker Pie Crust- you can buy a ready made one, but I make my own. I use this recipe HERE. I don't always put in the cinnamon and I don't freeze it for that long. DO not bake it. Just put it in the freezer for 20 minutes or so, while you mix up the rest of the stuff.

Layer Two: Banana layer- Did you know if you whip frozen bananas in your food chopper with a little bit of milk- it makes ice cream? Well...just about. I used my mini food chopper and Almond milk - because that is what I had. If you use regular milk, you might want to add a tiny bit of sugar. Mix this in your food processor or chopper or even your blender, for a few minutes and it should be the consistency of softened ice cream. Spread an even layer on the pie crust. Return to the freezer for about 15-20 minutes.

Layer Three: This is your Nutella layer. I just got out my jar of Nutella, and spread an even layer over the banana layer. You want the banana layer to be frozen enough that you can spread this on top easily. Rerturn to the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Layer Four:  This is your last layer- unless you want to add whipped cream to the top, when serving it. For this layer, mix your instant chocolate pudding (I used fat free) with the Cool Whip (also fat free or light). I used an 8 oz. tub. Mix it up really well, and spread evenly on top. Freeze for a few hours at least.

To serve, pull out of the freezer several minutes before serving. Cut up, and enjoy! Top with Whipped Topping if desired. The Nutella layer might be a little bit chewy, but it tastes oh so good! In fact, I think I'll go make some more right now! Happy Sunday!
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  1. This Pie looks oh so good! Esp since I am due in a month! Your site is so cute! This is my first visit here I found you through Is there a way to follow you on Facebook?

  2. Hi Judy- thanks for stopping by! I haven't yet really taken the "FB plunge" yet- but I have considered it for a long time- just busy :) Keep reading-- and I'll try that route soon I'm sure :) thanks!

  3. I'm actually trying to make this pie. I have never actually baked/made anything. Got in a fight with my wife on the way home from the grocery store she was gonna make it, but i think i screwed that up. So i decided to make it myself.

    I think i should of found a deep dish pie, but the blog didn't say anything about that. Also I think i might of put to much milk in 1/2 cup for 5 bananas. Again think I had to many bananas for a non-deep dish pie. Anyways I'm making it as is right now. But its taking longer then I thought because of the freezing lengths.

    To get frozen bananas I put them in for 2 hours in the freezer, After i poured the banana puree into the pie i put it in the freezer for 1 hour (2 hours might of been better). Now i just put in the nutella layer and letting that freeze.

    I hope i can still finish it before 2am. and let it freeze overnight, but unsure. I gotta wait for the pie to become right before I put on the chocolate pudding. Oh and I put some nutella in the microwave for 45 seconds so it was easier to smooth on. Anyways hope it tastes as good as it sounds. :D

  4. Polar Dude, your comment is too funny. I guess I should have mentioned that I had the bananas in the freezer for a while- I always put them in the freezer- peeled- when they are really ripe. I also only put a few Tablespoons of milk in w/ my bananas. I hope your pie turns out and I hope your wife enjoys it- I did not use a deep dish pie- I just used a regular pie pan- but I think maybe your had a lot of banana- since you used 5 and 1/2 cup milk. I'm sure it will still taste really good! enjoy!

  5. Do I make the pudding first and then add cool whip or do I just add the pudding powder to the cool whip

  6. Hey tinarina, you just add the package of pudding mix to the cool whip and mix it. Hope it turns out yummy!


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