
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

An Arizona Summer

Happy Summer! Unlike most of the country, summer is a little different in Arizona. It is one time of year, where we spend more time inside, than time outside. The temperature tomorrow should be 110- so it will be an inside day for sure! Our summer started months ago-like in April, and here are few of the fun photos of what it has been  like around here.

My gerber daisies are blooming like crazy- as are my geraniums!

 We have been enjoying lots of yummy summer treats-this month we made homemade ice cream twice! (note- on this fruit pizza- using frozen fruit - because I did not have enough fresh fruit- not the best idea - but my kids ate it anyway!)
Speaking of fresh fruit- we have been getting Bountiful Baskets every week the last several months! Love always having fresh fruit- and saving some money on groceries!

We had some great swimming lessons, and have been spending time at our pool - in the morning- since it is just too hot in the afternoon here!

And this was discovered in the tree in our front yard! I am just hoping the other animals--in the area leave it alone. It will be fun to see what happens- and if we get some baby birds!

And my sons cannot get enough of LEGOS! I am certainly sick of stepping on them! We are building something awesome for them right now- along with planning a Lego Birthday Party-coming up next week! At least they have something they love to do when it is  just too hot to go outside. ☺

PATIO/YARD in progress... We are so excited to finally have a backyard! We have grass finally coming in- it is still growing- and we scored this patio set for 75% off!- Whoot! There is still alot to do- like planting trees- which will have to wait until Fall...

Most of the time...we are spending time in the house- doing crafts,  "mommy school", and my favorite- laundry. (ha ha)
 AND I seriously need to get ready for this baby! My swollen pregnant legs, ankles, and feet are reminding me that my 4th baby  boy of summer  is coming soon-- yikes.
Better get ready for the baby- only a few weeks left!
Happy Summer! If you live where you have green stuff- like grass, trees, gardens, flowers....please enjoy it for me!
Thanks for reading!
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  1. Oh, I totally get it! We live in Florida where our local temp today is forecasted to be 102. We spend a lot of time working on legos inside :)

  2. Hahah, this post looks all too familiar to exactly what my boys are doing this summer - the craft days since I just am not crafty:) Wish we lived CLOSER!!!! I'm planning on getting down there when you have the baby, though, for a long weekend to help out!!


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