
Monday, June 20, 2011

Cookies-n-Cream {OREO} Cupcakes

 The Dad in this house LOVES oreos, and thanks to Pinterest, I came across an amazing oreo cupcake recipe. HERE it is and it is delicious! (There is a printable version - on that link.) We made them for Father's Day, along with homemade ice cream, shish-ka-bobs, and fresh fruit! These cupcakes are rich and so tasty- I just can't say enough about how we loved these. These are going down with my favorite sweets to bake-a definite keeper!

Cookies and Cream Cupcakes {from Annie Eats}
(here it is w/ my changes and in case I misplace my paper copy- I can find it here)
*you know you have a problem when you consult your own blog for a recipe

Makes 24 cupcakes

For the cupcakes:
24 Oreo halves, with cream filling attached
2¼ cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
8 tbsp. unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 2/3 cup sugar
3 large egg whites, at room temperature **I used one egg plus one egg white**
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup milk **I used skim milk**
20 Oreo cookies, coarsely chopped (I quarter them)

For the frosting:
8 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
6 tbsp. unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
4 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted
2 tbsp. heavy cream

**THIS frosting is amazing! Think I will be using it for other things in the future. Key to making it so good- is mixing it for 4 min. as she states in the recipe directions.**

For garnish:

Oreo cookie crumbs

24 Oreo cookie halves


Preheat the oven to 350˚ F. Line the wells of two cupcake pans with 24 paper liners. Place an Oreo halve in the bottom of each liner, cream side up. **I think a little PAM spray would have helped these not stick to the paper as much.** In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt; stir together with a fork to blend and set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the butter and sugar and beat together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Blend in the egg whites one at a time, beating well after each addition. Blend in the vanilla extract. With the mixer on low speed, beat in half of the dry ingredients just until incorporated. Add the milk and beat just until combined, then mix in the remaining dry ingredients. Gently fold in the chopped Oreos with a rubber spatula until evenly incorporated, being careful not to over-mix.

Evenly divide the batter between the prepared cupcake liners. Bake for 18-20 minutes, rotating the pans halfway through baking, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow to cool in the pans 5-10 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

To make the frosting, combine the cream cheese and butter in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat on medium-high speed until smooth, about 1 minute. Blend in the vanilla extract. Beat in the confectioners’ sugar until incorporated and smooth, 1-2 minutes. Add the heavy cream to the bowl and beat on medium-low speed just until incorporated, then increase the speed to medium-high and whip for 4 minutes until light and fluffy, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

Frost the cooled cupcakes as desired. Sprinkle with Oreo crumbs and garnish with Oreo halves.

These are so great! We LOVED them! We'll be making these again☺

Thanks for reading! oxoxo

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  1. How YUMMY do those look! I'm heading to do some grocery shopping, and i'm so gonna make these!!

  2. LOL! I consult my blog for my own recipes ALL the time! :)


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