
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Butterscotch Bars

I made these a few months ago... and I haven't been making many sweet treats lately because I have been trying to lose some weight. And I'm not giving up on the weight loss part, but I might make these again tonight...cause sometimes you need a little sweet treat.

I found this recipe via pinterest.
Butterscotch Bars

8 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 cup unbleached flour
1/4 tsp salt

1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup butterscotch chips
1/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350.

Grease and flour a 9x9 baking pan (I use Pam for Baking or Baker's Joy cooking spray).

Cream the sugar, eggs, and vanilla in a medium bowl until smooth.

Add the cooled butter and mix until well blended.

Measure the flour, salt and baking powder and sift directly into the batter.

Gently mix the batter until well combined and no traces of flour remain. Stir in the butterscotch and chocolate chips.

Spread batter into prepared baking pan. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean or with crumbs.

Cool for 1 hour. Cut into 12 or 16 squares.

You can get a printable version of the recipe from here.

{plus there is a mouth-watering picture over at that link too.}

thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!

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  1. Yum!!! I love these!!! Looks like a good recipe, but I will have to wait until the 20th, cuz I am doing good at not eating sugar until that day!

  2. there's no way around it--these are tasty! i love those butterscotch chips, even though they taste nothing like butterscotch at all!

  3. That looks amazing!!! :) I might have to add that to my Christmas baking list!


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