
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Tree Healthy Snack or Appetizer

 Happy Black Friday! If you aren't out shopping, and over did it on Thanksgiving, this is a great healthy snack that the whole family will love- especially the kids! It is also a great idea to bring to those Christmas parties, if you want something more healthy among all those Christmas cookies.

 I saw this idea in Family Fun Magazine, but they used parsley. I used green leaf lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and cheese. Cut your cheese into little cubes or squares. Lay out your lettuce to form a tree shape- I used 2 leafs of lettuce. Lay everything out on a tray to form a tree.
I added a star to mine- with a cookie cutter I cut a small star from cheese- of course this was the part all the kids wanted to eat.  This was fun, simple, and easy to do, and my kids ate it all up.
Happy Holiday Season!

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  1. This is a really cute idea and think it would be a great hit at our Christmas party as well! Thanks for the idea and Happy Holidays to you!

  2. Can't wait to do this when all my family is here over Christmas!


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