
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas At My House in Photos

 I am not a very good blogger during Christmas time. I LOVE this season!! And there is only so much time and so many things to do, so blogging and the computer are lower on the priority list. BUT...
I thought it might be fun to show you a few photos of our Christmas this year. And I need to post this, so when I look back and remember that we never got our outside Christmas lights up, I will also remember all the wonderful family fun we had. In our family, Christmas is about Jesus. BUT we do teach our children about the Savior all year, so at Christmas we also like to join the festive fun. Looking through my photos, there were so many fun things we did with our family, and in preschool, I just don't have time to post it all. So here are just a few photos of some fun things we have done. Hope your Holiday is festive and fun at your house!  Enjoy!

 Sometimes the simplest pleasures are the best...wearing a Santa hat and coloring a Christmas picture is one if those simple pleasures.
 Every year we get an ornament. This tree has all those fun ornaments, as well as the ones the kids have made in school or that we may have from our childhood.
 I was going to create a new way to hang cards this year, but time ran out. I do love Christmas Cards!!
 Of all the cool Advent Countdown Calendars we have, these are their favorite ones. For a dollar each, Trader Joe's has out done me... My kids love these!
 After decorating the tree this year, I realized I had forgotten a few important things, that needed to go on first. But I was not going to undo the tree for it. And so... I decided it looked pretty anyway. I love silver and red- even if the latest trends say blue and gold or whatever...I finally bought a tree skirt this year. I know it is just dots. But I love pok-a-dots. love them. And maybe the reds are not exactly matchy. But it works for me.
 For the past 7 Christmases- I have been pregnant or nursing so I had to show you why- isn't he cute?
 Again, Trader Joe's wins..with their Gigantic Gingerbread Boys, and even their Gingerbread is always a hit each year.
 I can't even begin to list the fun preschool adventures we had this season. Some days, we did paint, and frosting in the same day. It was so much fun and I love finding new things to do. Sigh...that will have to be a future post.

Each year, I try to have a "Kids and Cookie" party. We invite a few friends, and decorate sugar cookies.

 Probably the highlight for our family this year so far, was traveling North to play in the snow and ride the Polar Express. The snow was so fun- that I almost missed it. I actually wanted to move back to the snow. (and I kind of still do...)

I hope you are having a joyful holiday season! I have so many gifts to finish so I will probably be a little busy. Thanks for reading! Happy Holidays!
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  1. What a wonderful post! My favorite parts were the big gingerbread men and the memory tree! What a great idea!! I will probably be using that idea in the years to come as my girls start school next year. :)

  2. First off, I *love* your tree skirt! I also love the red and silver colors. Beautiful! This post is so full of fun. I so look forward to the toddler/preschool years to do some of these projects.Merry Christmas!


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