
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Handmade Star Wars Ornaments {DIY}

 I love Christmas Traditions. We have "the one" where you give your child an ornament, that  reminds you of some events of the past year. This is the year my boys really took an interest in Star Wars. We had Star Wars costumes for Halloween this year. We are also having a little bit of a Star Wars Christmas (sshhh don't tell) this year. I looked and looked for some cute ornaments, and could not find any I really liked. SO, after a long late night last night, I made up these. I had to do 4, since I have 4 boys...and these took long enough, so I think I'll stop at 4 for now...although with Star Wars...I'm sure they will want more.

If you are interested in my "sketches" or patterns, please let me know- I'm happy to share....mostly I just looked at pictures on my computer and cut up shapes. ha ha. But I did draw out the basic parts.
Hope you are having fun getting ready for Christmas. I have about 4 or 5 more projects to do!
It's going to be an "EPIC" Christmas...if I get it all done!
Happy Holidays!
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  1. So clever! My 8 year old would LOVE these!

  2. Oh!! How awesome!! May I have the pattern for them please? My husband would *love* those!!

  3. Thanks for posting this...great stuff!

  4. Oh my gosh, I LOVE these. I made a felt Yoda for my son for his birthday and was quite proud! haha

  5. I have 5 grandsons and I know that they would love to have me stitch them up for them.... great idea!



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