
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Free Printable: Thank Thee Lord {lyrics from Scotty McCreery's song-Dirty Dishes}

I'll be honest- I have not had a very easy time being a mom lately.
It has been really rough, and I have not been counting my blessings. SO... I made a little reminder today of how the things that may seem like problems in our lives, are really blessings. This is just for fun- since these things often don't appear as blessings, but as annoyances.  I took the lyrics from Scotty McCreery's song- Dirty Dishes. If you have not heard the song, it is about a prayer a mother offers, thanking the Lord for the noisy children, slammin' doors, the dirty dishes, etc. She goes on to explain that noisy children mean happy kids; slammin' doors means we have a warm and loving home, etc. You can listen to a sample of the song on his website, or amazon.  
Sorry if you don't like country music- but I'm wierd like that-- I like it.
If you want to download one of these -
USE the LINK below the color you want to get the best copy.
It is in an 8 by10 format. I'm still learning to make printables so excuse the imperfections.
Hopefully- I at least spelled all the words correctly- ha ha.  
background credit: Summertime Designs 

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  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful song! It is such a wonderful reminder to me not to take all of my blessings for granted. Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Feb. 20, 2012. Thanks again.

  3. Thanks for the post I really needed this reminder today! Just found your blog today and am loving it!

  4. This is my favorite song!!! Thank you for this!!!


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