
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pinterest Finds: Funny things that make me laugh

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Sometimes I just need to laugh. And I'm too lazy to find re-runs of Seinfeld or The Office. Enter Pinterest and my Laugh board. I'm cracking up right now. And I want to thank those people who put funny things on the internet for me to laugh at. So I thought I'd share some with you. (I copied and pasted so there are no links- but you can find all of them on my board.)

Let's just say, I can relate to these. And that is why they crack me up! What are you finding on pinterest? I'd love to follow you if you have some goodies! Have a fun pinnin' weekend!
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1 comment:

  1. Sooo funny! Love it! I am mostly pinning ideas for future sewing projects. So many birthdays coming up in our family!


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