
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Leprechaun Craft: Dudes from Cardboard Tubes

Don't be jealous that I stayed up late tonight making leprechaun dudes from toilet paper cardboard tubes. Seriously, I know it is really cool, that I now how 3 more dudes that think I am "da' bomb", but you can have some too. tee hee-
 So I know this blog is turning into the "one holiday post a month..." and I am sorry-{sigh}. But when I get to my 62 sewing projects, you will be happy and lucky that you stuck with me. Now on with the lucky dudes... I have had this idea in my head for weeks, and since St. Patty's Day is around the corner, I had to get it out of my head.  
Leprechaun Dudes from Cardboard Tubes:
You need:
cardboard tubes
sharpie markers
button or scrap paper
Cut cardboard tubes to make a hat shape on the top half by cutting out the back part of the tube.  Paint the hat part and the back part that won't show green. I painted the face a cream color, and the crazy red orange hair by making random lines.
I used sharpies that were the same color as the paint I used, to cover my paint mistakes and do some outlining. I had some of that tape with dots on it, that I put over the black band part -which you could draw on with a sharpie or paint on, and glued a yellow button on top. That is it. I think kids would have fun with this craft. If you have little ones- I would cut out the shape of the leprechaun first, then they can paint it.

And I finally have a St. Patrick's Day decoration. ha ha ha. OK not really, but I have 3 more dudes in my house.
Thanks for reading! Happy March!
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1 comment:

  1. These are awesome! :) haha
    I'd love for you to share these at my Sharing Time Linky if you're interested!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!


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