
Friday, March 9, 2012

Meeting Abby Rike from the Biggest Loser

About a month ago, I attended a Healthy Woman Event and met Abby Rike from The Biggest Loser.  She gave an amazing speech at the conference. She is the type of person that makes you feel like you have known her for years- even though you just met her. (photo from my new friend Pam w/ her iphone-thank you Pam!)
I just finished her book, Working it Out, and I have been so inspired and amazed by her story. It is definitely "a journey of love, loss, and hope" as it says on the cover.

If you don't know Abby Rike, let me tell you a little about her story. In 2006, she lost her husband, her little girl, and her brand new baby in a horrible accident. She spent 3 years trying to heal, but basically shutting down and not taking care of her health.  Years later, she found herself on The Biggest Loser. Abby was a high school teacher, and now she is a motivational speaker.
Her new book is raw, real, moving, filled with hope, love, and faith.
She helps us see that all of us have the ability to overcome anything with the help of Jesus Christ.
While I don't share her religious faith, I do share her belief in Jesus Christ. Whatever your beliefs may be, this book is very motivating and moving. After reading it, I want to be a better spouse, mother, friend, and take better care of myself physically and spiritually.

This is a great book, real, and full of hope!

And speaking of weight loss, my journey...well some of it- will be shared shortly on my weight loss blog:
Hopefully I'll have more on that soon!

Have a great weekend! Thanks for reading.

(All opinions are 100% mine. I was not compensated in any way or form for this post. It is purely my thoughts and opinions.)
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1 comment:

  1. What an inspiration she is! Wishing you much luck on your own weight loss. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing!


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