
Monday, November 19, 2012

A TREAT for my READERS! Only for 11/19 & 11/20!

The super nice people over at TREAT cards...are offering my readers a FREE Custom Card Monday November 19, and Tuesday November 20th only! {code and link at end of post}
Here are a few cards I loved:

Today you can create and send a totally personalized greeting card from Treat for FREE. Whether saying thanks for Thanksgiving, wishing a best friend a holiday birthday, or simply sharing the holiday cheer with a just because card, Treat lets you create a one-of-a-kind card that is sure to impress. So check someone off your list today and make them a card at TREAT.

This offer is only good for Readers of My Little Gems, today and tomorrow only.
Go to TREAT. Pick from 100's of cards. Personalize your card.
Use the Code : TREATBLOGR

Happy Holidays everyone!

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  1. Thanks Sharla! How fun is that!?! I ordered one. I need to find some time where I can catch up on friend's blogs. I miss you guys! Hope you are well and have a fantabulous Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks! I just ordered that cute "we came, we gobbled, we wobbled" one for my parents. They'll appreciate the thought and I appreciate the price!

  3. Well aren't you sweet! ;). Yes, thanks Sharla! I haven't started my own blog, but I totally enjoy reading them!


please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}