
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Music Review-Makenzie Caine: Take This Town

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Make sure to get your FREE CARD from TREAT- see post below this one :)

A while ago, I was able to review a very sweet CD by the artist Makenzie Caine. Makenzie is an indie pop artist, and her CD, Take This Town appeals to both adults and children. The title track, Take This Town, is about leaving a small city to make it big. I really enjoyed it, and loved this track.  You can watch the video to the track here.
 The CD includes 7 tracks, 2 of which have a children's chorus singing along with her.
This is a great CD to listen and sing along to-with your children. There isn't much music out there that allows you to do that. This would be a great gift too. Her first track is one of my favorites as I mentioned above, but I also really like "Sweet Baby". Want to listen?  You can sample her album on her website here.
Makenzie's music is simple, sweet, soft, and her voice is really beautiful.  I hope you'll give McKenzie's album a listen!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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