
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

DVD Review: My Lucky Elephant

A new family film was released on DVD yesterday {February 26, 2013}- My Lucky Elephant from  ARC Entetainment.     We had the opportunity to review this film and it is adorable, and fun for the entire family. My Lucky Elephant was shot entirely on location in Thailand, and is the story of an orphan boy who finds friendship with an elephant he names Lucky. 

My husband, my three year old, and my five year old, my seven year old, and even the 19 month old baby, were all very intrigued by the movie as soon as we turned it on. Unless it is a new Disney cartoon, it is hard to find a movie that can engage the entire family like this one can. It is shot beautifully, full of surprises, adventure, and laughs. It is about what we all long for, a family, a home, and a true friend. Lucky's adventures include learning to paint, becoming a celebrity, and even falling in love with another elephant named Candy.

This is delightful and entertaining family movie, a rare treat and something that is hard to come by in this day and age. This movie is rated PG, for 2 words, {The Lord's name in vain},  that should have been left out, in my opinion. Besides that minor item, the movie was great, and exposes children to a fascinating place, Thailand.

Watch the official trailer here:

You can purchase this DVD from Amazon today. post signature

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