
Friday, March 1, 2013

Happiness=Clean House + Favorite Cleaning Products

About a year ago, my husband got me something fabulous for my birthday: From Groupon, he got me 3 hours of house cleaning, by 2 people. I was so excited. Today- almost a year later- I finally cashed it in!
Let me tell you, a clean house is one of my favorite smells. I love the fresh clean smell, and seeing everything put in its place. It truly is one of my favorite things. When I was younger, and had only one child, and lived in about 1300 square feet, I could clean my entire house in a day.
I would follow FLYLADY's plans, and get my house clean so quickly. I loved Flylady's daily routines and everything. I was a "flybaby" as she calls them.

Now 4 kids later, and an extra 1300 square feet, I have not found the time or energy to keep up with the craziness of housecleaning like I would like to. So this little present my husband gave me was the best. I wish I could afford to have this once a week. Clean House=Happiness...ok well some form of it anyway.

If my house is clean and uncluttered, I feel like I have done something to bless my family, and now it is time to do something I enjoy- sewing, creating, reading, etc. SO - since I feel like I can finally create and sew this weekend- because my house is somewhat clean- I thought I'd share a few of my favorite cleaning products with you. You can look at this post for ones I've shared in the past.

 Fabuloso- this stuff smells really good. It comes in different scents. You can use it to clean almost anything. The smell lingers a long time after you are done cleaning.
 Baking Soda- has so many uses! I buy it in bulk at Costco and keep some in a jar for cleaning. Check out this post with 75 uses for Baking Soda.

 I love the smell of Lysol. This is great for deep cleaning. I often use it on my floors, by diluting it in a bucket of hot water, and scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. I also keep some in a squirt bottle. If you let it sit for 10 minutes before wiping it a way, it disinfects, sanitizes, and kills germs.
 I loves Mrs. Meyer's clean day products! I love the hand soap. I have very sensitive skin, and it does not irritate my skin, and it smells really good. I really love their counter top sprays too. They come in such yummy scents, and it gives your counter a fresh smell.
We love Vinegar too for cleaning. I use it to clean my sink, throw some in the laundry, and you can even put some in your dishwasher and run a cycle to freshen up your dishwasher. Here is a post with a ton of uses for vinegar.

These magic erasers are amazing. I just buy the store brand- to save money and it works just fine. I cleaned my oven door with this the other day after cleaning my oven. It made the job so easy. You can use these to clean your walls, shower, etc. I use them to clean the marker off my wipe board when the marker won't come off. It is great for getting crayon off of the walls too.

Lysol Disinfecting Spray- this is a must to have during winter months, and if you have a house full of  little boys who create messes in the bathroom. When I don't have time to clean but I need to quickly kill the germs, this is what I use. I also use it on my preschool tables, the changing table,  door handles, light switches, etc.

What are your tips, tricks, and favorites when it comes to cleaning? Happy Spring Cleaning!

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