
Friday, March 15, 2013

A Word about Give-a-Ways...

So let's talk about give-a-ways. I don't do too many on here. I don't want this blog to be all about advertising and products. I mean, I read a lot of blogs, and I'm so annoyed when they are covered in ads. Just sayin.  SO... I only do products that I believe will help you because they have helped me.

I have a huge big give-a-way and contest coming up next week- "$$" people. You might want to participate. BUT here is a little request I have: If you enter a give-a-way-could you be so kind as to check back in, and see if you won? Sometimes I have to pick winner after winner because no one responds, and leaves me no way to contact them.

Last spring, I did a photo session give-a-way- a really nice one. I picked two winners, and either one could be contacted or bothered to contact me. So no one got the give-a-way. I am about to pick a THIRD winner for the book give-a-way I did last week (see posts below). It is just a book. But it is a great book, and I'd love to give it to someone.

So in summary: If you enter a give-a-way, it is your responsibility to check back in and see if you won. would be nice if you could leave me a way to contact you, so if I can, I will contact you also. I end up doing that a lot.

I know I haven't kept this blog up with daily and weekly posts like I would like to. Life Happens. We have had a week in the ER, with emergency surgery, and missed birthdays, and are all sleep deprived. But I have plans, to share lots of fun things with you-- as soon as my life calms down just a little. I really appreciate those of you that still read, and check up on me. Thank you.

Thanks for reading! Next week I have a super fun contest and give-a-way where you could win some cash people. Happy Spring!!

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please know that I really appreciate you taking time to say a little something....and I love when you help me become a little smarter. so thanks. {please no soliciting. Comments with links to ads or in a language I cannot understand, will be rejected, as will comments that are not nice.}