
Monday, March 18, 2013

The Family Stuff we are Dealing With....

Just when I thought I was finally going to get this blog going again, things have happened. Last week, my husband ended up in the ER one night all night due to excessive bleeding that would not stop, and was enough to fill up the bathroom sink. He was rushed away in an ambulance, and the crew could hardly get the bleeding to stop. It was a scary situation and I thought I was going to lose him.It was also on my birthday. The next day he had one surgery to fix what the doctor thought was the problem. It was outpatient surgery. He came home and rested for two days. The first day he went back to work, he started bleeding again. He had someone take him to the hospital. This time, he stayed overnight, and Sunday morning he had major surgery. He is still in the hospital. Hopefully he gets to come home today. Last night, when I got home from the hospital, I was welcomed by my 5 year old who was throwing up all over the place. He continued to do this through the night.
We are out of sick days, which means we will lose money because of all this, not to mention all the hospital and doctor bills.
In February, my husband had sinus surgery. It was a quick procedure with no complications at all. Here we are, over a month later dealing with this. If there is anything I have learned, it is that surgery is not for our family, unless it is a life or death situation. I have dealt with surgery with a few of my babies, followed by infections, complications, and things that led to extended hospital stays.
It isn't pleasant to see your loved one in this kind of situation. I have decided the only happy thing I like about going to the hospital, is when a baby is born.
Anyway- those are my crazy thoughts. I gotta go take care of another sick child.

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  1. Oh my word, I can't even imagine! Hang in there; the blog will still be here. Good luck nursing sick kids and a sick husband. And when you find a few minutes to yourself; be selfish!

  2. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of that. My prayers are with you and your family.

  3. I am sorry you are having to deal with so much right now! You will be in our thoughts and prayers...remember to take care of yourself too!!! Easier said then done, I realize :)

  4. Wow, how horrible. You are going through a lot, no joke! Hang in there. Prayers are being sent your way.

  5. I don't think I've ever commented on your blog (I know, that's horrible), but I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. I hope you're getting the support and love you need!

  6. I'm tearing up for you and your family. I don't know what I'd do if Elton were in the hospital. Please send Aaron our best! And hang on, you'll make it!


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