
Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer Fun for Kids {from the Archives}

Summer is least for us. But where we live it feels like it is summer most of the year.... :)  And if it isn't summer where you live, it will be soon. ☻ Here are a few ideas from the archives to entertain the kiddies.

(a fun family activity)

What do you have planned for this summer?

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  1. Each Thursday my 5 yr old and I are going to do some cooking together. We may try to have a craft time each week too. I'll be here to check out some of your ideas for sure!!

  2. these are such fun ideas...we made the bubble tube maker last year and it was a big hit. i think more of this is in store for us

  3. Thank you! I think my kids are going to love the foamerator.


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