
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Favorite Projects from 2010

Here are some of my favorite projects/creations from this past year-2010. Looking back, it seems like years ago I did these things- and it was only months.... Of course most of my projects are inspired by someone or something- you creative bloggers- mostly ☺ It makes me tired just looking at what I did! Maybe I was a bit crazy last year or something...because I keep wondering- Where did I find the energy to do all those crazy things?? For the most part,  I loved 2010! It was a great year for my family and we were very blessed. ♥ Here are the fave's of 2010:

Placemat Crafts- February 2010

Wishing you the BEST 2011! Happy New YEAR!

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  1. You had a great year! I am glad I found your blog!


  2. WOW--you sure have been busy this year! Very impressive accomplishments Sharla. It inspires me to be more crafty/thrifty! I look forward to your 2011 projects!!! Happy New Years!

  3. Beautiful items! Thanks for sharing the items. Somehow I missed a few of them. Now I know what to make my little guy who will be 3 January 18th (and got a lot of tools for Christmas!!). The toolbelt looks amazing!!

    Elizabeth @


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