
Friday, January 7, 2011

Hungry Girl's T.V. Show!

In case you did not hear, Hungry Girl has a new T.V. Show on the new  Cooking Channel!  It starts tomorrow!
She is one of my favorites when it comes to yummy eating without a ton of calories. (The Hungry Girl publishers, graciously allowed me to do a cookbook give-a-way a while ago.) Even if I don't look like it these days, {sigh}, low fat delicious cooking and baking has always been a big love of mine. ☺

If you do or don't own a Hungry Girl cookbook, and you are trying to "be healthy" this new year- make sure you check out her show! I have my DVR set! It is all about PIZZA! {You want a pizza me?}


Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading and sticking with me these days! It's been pretty crazy. Right now I'm praying my youngest doesn't end up in the hospital I just found out he has another UTI, among other things...crazy. Waiting for the test results..
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