
Sunday, January 9, 2011


Another BIG FAT craft project...o.k. well not exactly...but let's just say it is making me big and fat- and that is the part I dislike...

I was going to wait to share this, but it is good news, and there is so much sadness and bad news right now, I thought I'd share some good :) plus everyone that blogs is doing it...
ha ha ha ha

* Number 4 is coming to our family this summer  {July}.*
*For about 1 week, I'll have 4 kids ages 5 and under.☺*
*Hoping for a healthy baby, {boy or girl-just make it a healthy one} and that I survive my 4th c-section with no complications.* believe me, that part was never in the plans...but ya gotta do what you gotta do to get them here safely...
*I  have made it through the first trimester-the morning sickness is starting to subside...* yay!
*I might just get my blog-mojo back!*
*whoot! Maybe I'll even sew something!*
*Yay for new babies! Yay for being fat AND pregnant! *
*Yay for having grey hairs and being pregnant at the same time! ☺*
***Big yay for moms everywhere! Grateful that I get to be a mommy to another one-  too!**
{big ultrasound tomorrow- hoping and praying they find everything well!!}

thanks for reading!

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  1. Congratulations :) You are very brave in my eyes. I hope the next few months go well and that you feel the glow soon.


  2. Congrats, Sharla! We will both be moms of four! So fun and so insanity producing :) I know you are praying that it's healthy (and of course I will be praying for that as well) BUT I am also praying you get your little girl--can you imagine all the girly crafts and things you could sew! The possibilities are endless :) Good luck at the ultrasound and keep us posted!!

  3. Congrats!! I too am expecting #4 and will have four under 5. It's both terrifying and exciting at the same time. Best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby!

  4. Congratulations to you and your family!!! That is very exciting news. I had c-sections with both of my babies and it wasn't planned for me either, but like you said you have to do what you have to do. I will be praying for you that everything goes well!!

  5. Woo-Hoo! Congrats!
    We've got #3 coming in March. :)

  6. Congratulations! I have #2 coming in April! It seems I'm finding lots of ladies in the blogging world due in 2011. I wish you the best of luck!

  7. Congratulations! I believe we all hope you'll have a healthy baby too.

  8. Congrats! I'm so excited - you're one great mommy - live up being pregnant again - I oh so love being fat and pregnant and can't wait for it to happen again - enjoy! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

  9. Congratulations! I love your comment about having grey hairs and being pregnant at the same time! :)

  10. Congratulations! That button is so cute :)

  11. Congrats Sharla! 4 is a great number....My first will be starting college this fall! You will be in my prayers that all goes well for your family.

  12. Congratulations! How exciting!!! Love the little cartoon! :)

  13. Congrats, Sharla! My 4 were born in 4 just over 4 years, so I understand! I don't know how I'd do it if Maisie had lived....We probably wouldn't have had the 4 in 4 years!!! Good luck with the pregnancy and ultrasound today.

  14. Dear Sharla, Congratulations! God knows you can handle all those Miracles! :-) I have a good friend that had 4 C-Sections and everything went awesome. He will see you through it! Many blessings!!

  15. I just found your blog... congrats!!! I joked once I would get this logo as a tatoo over my stretch marks...LOL! :)

  16. Congratulations!!!!!! 4 kids under 5!!!!.. you are great!

    Check out my new blog I just started yesterday!

  17. Congratulations!! I was so excited to read this, but not so happy that you are having health issues with baby #3. Sorry! Yeah for Mom's! Keep us all posted.


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