Sunday, January 9, 2011


Another BIG FAT craft project...o.k. well not exactly...but let's just say it is making me big and fat- and that is the part I dislike...

I was going to wait to share this, but it is good news, and there is so much sadness and bad news right now, I thought I'd share some good :) plus everyone that blogs is doing it...
ha ha ha ha

* Number 4 is coming to our family this summer  {July}.*
*For about 1 week, I'll have 4 kids ages 5 and under.☺*
*Hoping for a healthy baby, {boy or girl-just make it a healthy one} and that I survive my 4th c-section with no complications.* believe me, that part was never in the plans...but ya gotta do what you gotta do to get them here safely...
*I  have made it through the first trimester-the morning sickness is starting to subside...* yay!
*I might just get my blog-mojo back!*
*whoot! Maybe I'll even sew something!*
*Yay for new babies! Yay for being fat AND pregnant! *
*Yay for having grey hairs and being pregnant at the same time! ☺*
***Big yay for moms everywhere! Grateful that I get to be a mommy to another one-  too!**
{big ultrasound tomorrow- hoping and praying they find everything well!!}

thanks for reading!

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LatteJunkie said...

Congratulations :) You are very brave in my eyes. I hope the next few months go well and that you feel the glow soon.


Niki said...

Congrats, Sharla! We will both be moms of four! So fun and so insanity producing :) I know you are praying that it's healthy (and of course I will be praying for that as well) BUT I am also praying you get your little girl--can you imagine all the girly crafts and things you could sew! The possibilities are endless :) Good luck at the ultrasound and keep us posted!!

Heather @ Camp Slop said...

Congrats!! I too am expecting #4 and will have four under 5. It's both terrifying and exciting at the same time. Best wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy and baby!

Allison said...

Congratulations to you and your family!!! That is very exciting news. I had c-sections with both of my babies and it wasn't planned for me either, but like you said you have to do what you have to do. I will be praying for you that everything goes well!!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Woo-Hoo! Congrats!
We've got #3 coming in March. :)

Michie said...

Congratulations! I have #2 coming in April! It seems I'm finding lots of ladies in the blogging world due in 2011. I wish you the best of luck!

Maggie Muggins said...

Congratulations! I believe we all hope you'll have a healthy baby too.

Erica said...

Congrats! I'm so excited - you're one great mommy - live up being pregnant again - I oh so love being fat and pregnant and can't wait for it to happen again - enjoy! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

Melissa said...

Congratulations! I love your comment about having grey hairs and being pregnant at the same time! :)

Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade said...

Congratulations Sharla!

Steph said...

Congratulations! That button is so cute :)

punkinmama said...


Yay for happy news!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sharla! 4 is a great number....My first will be starting college this fall! You will be in my prayers that all goes well for your family.

Christi @ Writing the Waves said...

Congratulations! How exciting!!! Love the little cartoon! :)

Jen said...

Congrats, Sharla! My 4 were born in 4 just over 4 years, so I understand! I don't know how I'd do it if Maisie had lived....We probably wouldn't have had the 4 in 4 years!!! Good luck with the pregnancy and ultrasound today.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sharla, Congratulations! God knows you can handle all those Miracles! :-) I have a good friend that had 4 C-Sections and everything went awesome. He will see you through it! Many blessings!!

Rachel {} said...

I just found your blog... congrats!!! I joked once I would get this logo as a tatoo over my stretch marks...LOL! :)

Savannah said...

Congratulations!!!!!! 4 kids under 5!!!!.. you are great!

Check out my new blog I just started yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I was so excited to read this, but not so happy that you are having health issues with baby #3. Sorry! Yeah for Mom's! Keep us all posted.