Sunday, March 7, 2010

Give-A-Way! For my readers and followers :)

Are you anxiously awaiting SPRING? It should be here any day. Let's celebrate with a give-a-way!

This Give-a-way  is just for my readers and followers. If you aren't a reader {via google reader}, or a follower, you can still join in, if you would like to enter. There will be 3 winners, and there are 3 separate prizes. Just leave a comment, and you are entered(if you are a reader/follower). If you want to mention one of your favorite things (family doesn't count only because that is everyone's favorite-i.e. mine), or which one of these you like the most, I would love to hear that too!

 Each prize will come with a few little extras- my favorite treat, book, etc. to share with you! Here is what I made to give to you:

This is a 1/2 apron, generously cut to fit anyone. The straps are long enough to wrap around twice if you are small, or tie once in the back in a bow- if you are like me- and not so small. :) It has a large pocket and I will include a few small prizes- my favorite book, snack, etc. in the pocket!  The main fabric is from a fun vintage sheet, and has the same pattern on the backside-(double thickness.) If it looks a little funny, that is because my chair needs some practice with her modeling skills. {ha!}

I love vinyl lettering and good quotes. So here is a sign with one of my favorites. It has a hook on the back so it is ready for hanging, or could sit nicely on an easel. I will also include a few little favorites with this sign-like a book I like, a snack I like- something else fun-a little surprise-because I like surprises- especially ones that come in the mail. (no that is not a hint....except to my husband...)

And another thing I love is cute fabric, and cute bags. So here is both. This is one of my first attempts at making a bag, and I loved it so much, I wanted to keep this for myself. So I will be making more! This is a very deep, large bag. It measures about 15 inches deep, and 15 inches horizontal, and 8 inches wide. You can fit quite a bit in this bag.  PLEASE NOTE: Contents in the bag are NOT included in give-a-way-:)
(contents in bag are for photo purposes only)

It is lined with a lime green, and has a small double pocket on the front- that would fit a cell phone, lip gloss, and a pack of gum. ;) I'll be including a few little treats with this one too. I thought of about 20 places I could take this- church, errands, car bag for toys, baby stuff, grocery, etc. I so need to make more of these.

So hopefully one of these little prizes says SPRING to you!!
Leave a comment!
Tell me what you like...
You have until FRIDAY MARCH 12th at midnight! Good luck!

please note- when I announce the winners, if I can't get a hold of you within a week, I will pick a new winner. :) I'll have you email me if you are a winner!


Letti said...

I love everything you are giving away but my favorite is your springtime apron. I am a long time follower as well. I love your blog.

lettibyrd at aol dot com

The Adamson's said...

Sharla, you are so crafty. These are all such cute things you have made. I wish we lived close to each so we could have a craft day once a month and share ideas. Anyway, they seriously are all very cute.

matt and steph said...

I love your blog! Out of all of those giveaways I love love love the apron! I love to cook and I am sad to report that I don't have an apron! Other things that I love are Reeses, taking walks with my husband, reading books with my 6 month old little boy, and call me crazy, but I LOVE hot hot summers! Thank you for the dedication that you put into your blog!

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

I do love sewing! I haven't had any time since before Christmas, though. I love the apron & the bag. I really need a good bag for church. :) It's amazing what I have to haul to church for my little girls!

I am a reader & now a follower.

Mummy said...

It's all so lovely! I think I like the apron best!

mylittlegems said...

Keely- I wish we loved closer too- I'd love to have a craft buddy ;)
And Steph- you don't have an apron? You need one. Dang-I should make one for you because you need one ;) good luck!

Crafty Brooklyn Army Wife said...

Everything is beautiful!!

I love the fabric used for the apron and the tote bag.


familywithfivekids said...

WOW! What a terrific give-away!
I seriously can not decide which of these three treasures are my favorite. Love the apron because of the spring colors and my love for aprons in general as well as a serious need for a new one. Love the vinyl because that red would love fab in my house and the quote about happiness kinda' defines my whole outlook on life. Love the bag because of the green interior and splash of green accent with the beautiful blue. Ah, you are one talented gal and very generous in your give-away!

Jill-O said...

Hello Sharla! Sharla's Birthday is on Saturday--Hooray! I lurve the apron and tote bag. P.S. I get sooooo many wowed comments on my car cozy--don't worry I direct them to your etsy shop. :) Would it be possible to special order a girly one? I'd like to give to Austin's little girly friends. Do they make pink car fabric? If not, how 'bout one that is just girly fabric?

mylittlegems said...

Jill- well thanks for the referrals- as my shop is like empty-but tell your friends I can make them one special :) I do that a lot- since none are in the shop. Also yes we can do a girly one w/ girl fabric and even make it not for cars or for cars- email me and we can make arrangements ;)

Elizabeth said...

I'm new to your blog, and just subscribed a few days ago. I've been busy catching up and reading lots!

What do I love? Hmmm... taking photos. A quiet house. Chick-fil-A. Heavenly Hash ice cream. When my daughter puts her arm under my head at bedtime and holds me to her chest. Belly laughs. A good book. Painted nails. Candles. Family heirlooms. My husband's eyes. Jamaica. Memories. Beautiful music and the praise band at our church. Poetry. My son's chubby fingers.

And now I'll stop, because I could go on and on. Thanks for giving me a moment to pause and count my blessings.

lucky_mom2 said...

Sharla-you AMAZE me! You seriously are so talented. I love to make things to, so I love getting on your blog and getting cute ideas.I LOVE the tote. I love the sign too...but have no where to put it. But if I ever sell my house I'm hitting you up for some good quotes and some boards like that. =) You're so WONDERFUL!

Tiffany said...

As a mother of 4 boys myself i have to admire you and all the amazing things you accomplish, and wonder how you get it all done! I have been following through google reader and officially became a follower. Love all the prizes but especially the bag and apron. One of my favorite things is spending time outdoors with my boys, camping, etc.

val said...

I've been following your blog and using many of your tutorials! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kathleen said...

The bag and the apron are both fantastic, Sharla! What a great giveaway!! My favorite candy bars are either Twix or Milky Ways, depending on the day lol. :D

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in! I am a follower. I would love the bag with fabrics, because in Romania do not find beautiful fabrics for quilting.

Kim Sandling said...

This is such a fun giveaway! Thank you for doing this! They are all so cute, but my favorite is the sign with the quote!

My favorite things right now are crafts in general. I have gotten to a point in my kids lives that we never seem to finish anything, so when I sew or crochet, I can FINISH something and have it stay done. I love finding new ideas on the internet and making fun things for my family or friends. I love your site and the inspiration you give me! Thank you so much!

Fiona said...

I've been following you on Google reader for a couple of weeks now. I love all these cute things you are giving away! I also really love your dollar store placemat crafts. I am going to attempt the quiet books soon, one for my son and one for my daughter.

Narimasu said...

I follow your blog on Reader and love it. My favorite thing these days are are all the wonderful textures and colors I find in the woods my house sits in the middle of.

The Activity Mom said...

All are super cute but I'd pick the sign!

rebecca said...

I love all your great things that you make!!!! I especially would love the tote with summer coming up and pool time every day:)

Mrs. M said...

Wow! You're so generous, Sharla! They're all beautiful! I love the apron but my heart fell for that vinyl lettering quote, perfect to hang at the entrance of our Happy Community Foundation center which will open tomorrow. We serve urban poor communities. This would be a good encouragement to all our volunteers.

More blessings to you!

Margaret Vance said...

My first time EVER posting a comment... but, I LOVE YOUR STUFF! And everything you make and put up is like eye candy for me.

Kellie said...

I love the bag. I have been a reader of your blog for over a year. I love all your fun ideas! Thanks for sharing them with us!!!

madebymaggiemae said...

Wow three prizes and you want me to pick one! I have no idea which is my fav, I love vintage aprons, already have a wall for the quote picked out, and I have already planned how my life will be easier at church with the tote.

I am a follower.

Leslie said...

what a great giveaway...i love being a follower just because you have so many creative ideas. hmm, my favorite things...i have to say it!!!

Jingle said...

These are all so wonderful! The ruffle on that apron is so fun!!! And I think the bag is my absolute favorite!!! I love it!!!!

Sara Adams said...

They are all so stinkin' cute! I think that the tote bag is especially cute!! I'm a follower.

Colette Campbell said...

I'm a google reader reader. :) One of my favorite things right now is digging out in my garden. And eating fresh garden peas. Yum!

Kristine said...

While the apron and bag are beautiful, I especially love the quote in vinyl. I've already copied it down. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

janadec9 said...

All your stuff is sooo cute!!! I have you saved on my computer as a favorite, because your follower link isn't showing up on my computer. Have a great day!

ikeandella said...

I just love the sign! It's really something we really try to teach our son! :) Love the blog - you are so good & crafty!

garrynkim said...

Love them all, but I'd take the bag first and the sign as my second choice!

Ruth said...

Thanks for sharing that beautiful quote. It inspired me to write a post tonight on that thought.

Jen said...

Wahoo for giveaways! Thanks, Sharla, for going to all the trouble! You have such great ideas and cute stuff, I'm always referring people to your site. Thanks for all YOU do :)

And since you asked about what I love and my angel daughter had her 4th birthday yesterday, I have to say I LOVE DAISIES! They make me think of spring and gorgeous weather and lots of happy things - like my little girl in my arms for eternity.

Amber Omer said...

Wow, how fun! You are amazing! I can't decide my favorite 'em all. I think I would use the bag the most (always a need and I only have a couple plain ole black diaper bags). But I love the apron! And I'm a sucker for vinyl also. Thanks for doing fun prizes and surprises!

Crystal said...

I love your blog and have been following for a long time. This is such a great giveaway and I honestly can't choose a favorite-I would use all three!

AJ and Adam said...

I follow you in Google Reader. I LOVE your bag. I have been trying to make one forever and it just isnm't happening. To win it would be great!

Stacie said...

You are so crafty and creative! Love the bag! I have some cute fabric and I wondered what to do with it... If I don't win the bag maybe I will attempt to make one! :)

Hey, I also have a really cute kids apron pattern if you want it!! :)

Amanda said...

OMG! I love the tote bag. It's this spring's must have of the season!

Amie said...

Wow!! What an incredible give-a-way! You are so talented. I especially love the tote. I just found your blog a few weeks ago and I'm loving it!

Brooke said...

One of my favorite things is hearing my childrends laughter (that's different than family, right?)! Another favorite thing is chocolate (the chocolatier the better too)!

How do you find time to make so much awesome stuff?! You're very talented and creative!

Kristie said...

I love the sign. I also like the bag just because I have 3 kiddos that I'm always needing to haul stuff around for, lol

Sheila Irish said...

I absolutely LOVE the vinyl sign....The saying is so very true....I am subscribed to your Blog AND I am a Follower also....Thank you for the chance to try to win one of your fabulous creations....=)

Anonymous said...

My Hero! I love the Spring Time Apron!!! You are the Bestest! :)

The Bish Fam said...

Cute new things! I am loving your creativity! I read/follow your blog and have already made 2 of your ideas...more to come!

Some of my favorite things...cuddling up and reading a good book, the sound of the ocean, & listening to my kids laugh :)

Cheerful said...

I just found your blog today. I sooo love random blog hunting. I linked my way to you :) What great crafts I love all three :)

Sharon said...

I love the bag and the sign! I, too, am always toting stuff around and trying to keep my hands free.

Favorite things? finishing an old project, giving a good/useful/creative gift, and the current sound of my husband emptying the dishwasher. Yea!

cyndi said...

First time I've seen your blog. LOVE IT!
My fav give away is the sign. We just had Stake Conf and a FHE on "Have I done any good in the world today?" So your sign is so perfect.
Happy Spring Days to you!!!

Sarah M said...

Sharla, great ideas as always. I truly, truly, truly don't know how you do so much :) I go through spurts where I love to get stuff done, and work hard--then burn out. Your tote is super cute!! I've seen them for little girls, scripture bags...lots of things, and am so amazed by how different each one is. Great fabric choices!!

Annie R said...

Look at all your followers Sharla!!! You are so talented! Love you, DeAnn

Jennifer said...

I love the spring tote. I started reading your blog shortly before Christmas this year, and I love it. I live in Arizona as well, and have two boys and two girls. Keep up all the good work.

apholden said...

All three are super cute and make me happy for winter to end - I like the sign the best! :) ~Adrienne

Jo-Anne said...

WOW! Fun stuff!!! I looooove the bag.
Some (of many) of my faves are, being in Utah, seeing my family that I don't get to see very often, Cadbury mini eggs (so glad they aren't available all year long), hearing my children laugh, and my hearing my little preschoolers say they love me.

Hope all is well with you! :)

Jeni said...

I LOVE the tote!!! You have such amazing ideas and give me great inspiration!

Doty Family said...

Ooh, I love the apron! So cute!! It's all cute:

Favorite things are: Giving homemade gifts, Buttons and fun fabrics, Butterfly and eskimo kisses my kiddo's and snuggling with my hubby. Homemade Chocolate chip cookies, BLOGGING, and crafting with my kids!! Whew, and that's onlyl a few of them!!

Megan Gunyan said...

I love the tote bag! Such bright and beautiful colors!

Heather said...

I love the apron! Very "springy"!

Jennie said...

Love the tote bag and the apron is fun also.

Cute stuff can't wait for Spring!!!

Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade said...

I love everything you're giving away, but that apron just screams "Welcome Springtime and Sunshine!" to me! :)

Amy said...

I love my babies laughing with each other...instead of screaming like today! I love my most comfortable bed in the world. My favorite "Life is good" coffee cup - full of Eight O'Clock Columbian only please. I love the smell of the new pot of lavender and the beautiful yellow of my new forsythia. Warm weather, cooking on the grill and relaxing on the deck.
And your car cozies. I am SO gonna order one of those for my son. :)

Morgan said...

I really love the apron and the tote! This stuff is fabulous! Thanks!

Kellie said...

I have to say that you make the cutest stuff. I especially love the tote. Please let me win-fingers-crossed!

Unknown said...

Hi Sharla! I just received your email and checked out your blog, so cute! I love the tote - the first thing I thought of was how much camera equipment and props I would be able to fit! Heehee. Then I wondered if the apron would perhaps inspire me to cook more! :)

Pickens Posts said...

Your blog is awesome.. I was directed here by Parenting for the Shamrock Shakes... I love your quiet book... what are the ideas for that where is that post so I cna read that blog... love it

sallyv said...

First time to this site. I found the site at They were talking about St. Patrick's day crafts. I was interested in the Shamrock Shake. When I got to the site I was taken in by how attractive the site is. I will put this on my favorite list.

Little Lexi said...

I love the bag. I am in need of a new one.

I wish I could sew. I see so many idea but am just not a sewer.