Saturday, December 20, 2008

up until 2. a.m.

The other night I finally had some energy- after about 12 weeks of NO energy and feeling sick everyday- it was refreshing! (Of course I paid for it the next day with no energy again and back to my usual-these days- sick-all-day-long-feeling. But for a short 6 hours, it was nice to get someting done.

So I finished up these (finally)....

I made some of this.....Homemade Chex Mix

And some of this- Toffee-that is so yummy and so easy it deserves its own post...
And sewed tons and tons although I'm not done yet with C-mas stuff....

And packed a whole lot of this....then went to the postoffice the next day and spent 70.58 to mail it all- yikes!

Now I just need someone to come over and clean up my utterly disgustingly dirty house....any takers ? :)


Sandra said...

You know what? I would come and help clean your house, even if I can't keep up with my own. You do so much for everyone else. :)

Merry Christmas!

sewtakeahike said...

Wow! I don't even get that much done in a day when I feel great! You must be a whiz! Your toffee looks so good!

Sheri said...

Is your toffee recipe a secret? It looks YUMMY! I'd love to try it, if you are willing to share it! :)

sherph66 [at] gmail [dot] com

Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you were able to get some things done. I know how you feel! I hope you have a Merry Christmas.