I originally obtained this recipe for a co-worker/teacher. Maybe you have seen GLURCH before, but it not, here ya go:) Sorry- I am not sure who gave it to me since it was years ago-but THANK YOU- WE love it!
Steven Spangler Science shows this recipe on this website, using the same things to make it. He also explains the history of Silly Putty and how it was made. Some fun facts can be found there!
In a small bowl mix:
1 cup glue (8 oz. about 2 regular sizes of Elmer's glue)
3/4 cup water
In a large bowl mix:
1 tsp. "20-mule-team BORAX" (I found this in the cleaning section at Home Depo. I haven't seen it at every store.)
1/2 cup Hot water (I microwaved it for about 1 min.)
POUR GLUE MIXTURE over BORAX MIXTURE. Let sit for a minute and gently stir. Pour off any excess water. You can also use liquid starch. Please be aware that Borax, is laundry SOAP. Read the box, for precautions. In this small amount, it is harmless. :)
If you add food coloring, add it right away and mix in well.

In a small bowl mix:
1 cup glue (8 oz. about 2 regular sizes of Elmer's glue)
3/4 cup water
In a large bowl mix:
1 tsp. "20-mule-team BORAX" (I found this in the cleaning section at Home Depo. I haven't seen it at every store.)
1/2 cup Hot water (I microwaved it for about 1 min.)
POUR GLUE MIXTURE over BORAX MIXTURE. Let sit for a minute and gently stir. Pour off any excess water. You can also use liquid starch. Please be aware that Borax, is laundry SOAP. Read the box, for precautions. In this small amount, it is harmless. :)
If you add food coloring, add it right away and mix in well.

This stuff is great! It sticks to itself, yet it is not sticky. It is a bit slimy, but not really. After playing with it, your hands are left clean-maybe a touch wet- but nothing sticks to your hands. Hopefully you can tell from the photos just what kind of a texture it has. It cleans up really well and you can't beat it. I think it is better than playdough! We love it! ENJOY!
**If you have children who still put things in their mouths, don't give this to them. I would wait until children are at least 3 to play with this, just so that they don't ingest it!**
I love that stuff. I made it a few months ago.
I love gooey stuff and can't wait until Connor can play with it without eating it!
PS Did I know that you were prego??
I just saw the count down! Congrats if I haven't wished it already!
we love oobleck!!
when i was a preschool teacher we would read the Dr seuss book over a few days and end friday with oobleck and a baggie of it to go home!!!
Oh my Word, the twins would love this stuff. Im going to have to try this.
I have used this lots with my own kids and with the preschoolers I work with. Love it! But I wish I had known that vinegar will dissolve it if it just happens to get it on clothes, carpets, etc.!!!
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