It is finally finished! Our DIY play kitchen from a nightstand that cost 6.50. We did put more than that into this, buying paint, glue, and some hardware. I would say we did not spend more than $50. Most of the steps we got from this flickr group created by Jane. She was the first one I saw building these cute kitchens. I'm sure you have seen several of these out there. Well this is ours- we made it and it lives in our house.☻
If you were expecting a total BOY kitchen, sorry to disappoint you. I wanted a neutral one. :) But my oldest boy informed me he wanted a MAC TRUCK painted on the oven door. (Can't we have one toy in our house not covered in cars and army guys? Just sayin.. :) )
Here is what we started with :
Here are a few Tips, Hints, and Ideas if you would like to create one. Make sure you refer to Jane's photos linked above-she really gave a lot of detail that helped us out in this project!
I used Gorilla Glue for attaching many small parts. My husband also used screws, washers, and bolts to attach many piece so that the kids can move them.
For the stove top, I painted black circles with paint, (and the help of a sharpie marker to make the edges even) and used popsicle sticks that we had cut in half and spray painted silver. (We had leftover silver spray paint from a Christmas project.) The sink faucet is an upside down wooden "J" and the hot and cold knobs are little wooden people you can buy from a craft store- painted silver and screwed in so they turn. 
The sink bowl is from Goodwill. I searched for a silver bowl, and most were over $7. But I found this one for about $1 at Goodwill. If you can't find one, get a pet food bowl if you really want a silver bowl.
We used chalkboard paint to make a chalkboard on one side, and a scrap of wood to frame it. I used Gorilla Glue for attaching the frame. This glue requires pressure, so I used masking tape to hold it in place, and it worked! I also used Gorilla Glue for attaching the pieces to the stove top-the popsicle sticks. This glue expands, so I just used my sharpie to cover it up if it came out over the edges. If you haven't used this glue, you have got to try it- powerful stuff.
The knobs for the sink are just pieces we found at the craft store, painted silver and screwed is so they can turn.
The back splash is a piece of chair rail -a scrap we also picked up at Home Depo.
The towel bar is a dowel we painted silver and glued it to some scrap pieces. The towel is a washcloth- and I used velcro to attach it over the bar, so it can be taken off. (and it is cuter than my actual kitchen towels...)
We used the actual door from the nighstand, and attached it with hinges. I used some sticky-backed velcro to help the door stay closed. (I used white because I had it on hand but black would have been a better choice.)
The oven door handle is the actual hardware from the nightstand, just painted silver.
Originally, we were going to use a dowel to hang the curtain. Then after a thought, we realized, when the dowel was unattached, it would automatically be turned into a sword in our house- every long object becomes a sword with my boys. ☻ So I used velcro to attach the curtain. I used sew on for the curtain, and sticky-backed velcro for the cabinet. It stays put really well.
What kitchen doesn't have an army guy to guard their salt and pepper shakers? I think that is my favorite part. ☻
The salt and pepper shakers are just wooden pieces I found at the craft store, painted, and glued together.
We did buy the back piece and the shelf piece from Home Depo. Most of the extra wood pieces we used were in the scrap bin.
And there you have it...the tour of our new play kitchen. I like it so much more than my real kitchen, maybe I'll try using this one instead. (wink wink)
We decided we will be making more of these- they are so fun to make and personalize! If you live in my area, I'd be happy to help you make one or make one for you.
OH...and because I have been informed by my 4 year old that every kitchen has to have a refrigerator, we have plans to make one from an old desk we were going to get rid of- more DIY projects to add to my list! Now I just need a wood shop, and about 20 extra hours in the day :)
**Added later: I have had several questions about the measurements of this. They are:
15 inches deep
22 inches wide
Total height is 40 inches
and height to the top where the stove and sink are is 21 inches high. **
That is incredible. It turned out so nicely. You are amazing with the things you come up with.
i like it, i love it actually. now where to find a cheapy nightstand???? what a great idea. thanks for all the photos too.
will look forward to the fridge!!
It turned out so, so cute! I love the chalkboard on the side. :)
Super cute!!
I LOVE IT! My almost-3-year old is asking for a kitchen for his birthday. It makes me feel better other boys out there like to play "kitchen" too! Since baby is due right before the birthday, I don't think I'll be making one. I saw a really cute, cheap one on that I may get, but wish I had the energy to do this!
I love it! I've seen this done with an entertainment center but I like yours much better. Smaller and better for kids.
Looks awesome! I am so inspired by everyone's backs with the shelves. The kitchen I am currently working on has to have a shelf now!
Impressive! You never cease to amaze me :)
this is so did such an amazing job
I love this! I have been wanting to do one too, but it will be awhile. For now I can just admire yours! Good job!
Wow! Nicely done! And so inspiring! I'm keeping my eyes open for an old dresser/table now!
Wow, that turned out sooooo cute!! I've never seen one of these before, so I'm very impressed!
OK, I like this better than my real kitchen. I should have an army guy to guard my chocolate stash (from me). That looks so fun and way to go on the gender neutral!
So great! Love it! Now, how long did it take you to complete this project?
How long to complete- depends on how you define it:) We started a month ago but only worked on it a few times- we haven't had lots of time to finish and finally had the time. I would say...6 hours-8 hours??
I don't know. My hubby did a lot of the work on it:)
I love how your toy kitchen turned out! I think I just might need to make one for Jillian because yours is so much cuter/cheaper than those hideous plastic things you can pick up at the toy store. Thanks for the link and the idea.
So cute! I need to get back on track with mine. It has been sitting on our deck, half completed, for over a month. Bah.
It came out great!! Come link at my party: Thursday's Treasures!!
adorable and brilliant - I had to laugh about swords - I have girls and I would still have some sort of swinging object...
That turned out so cute! My kids would love this. Nice job!
This is so cute and you did such a good job! Thanks for sharing.
I feel like I need to bow down to you as the DIY goddess!!! This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Better than anything you could buy at the store!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found you on TCB -- cute kitchen!
Love it! I am your latest follower. I linked up to this. Come see it and follow me at
Well Miss Sharla, you are my feature today on Today's Creative Blog. Email me for your featured button!
I found you today through "Today's Creative Blog" and just had to tell you how much I adore that play kitchen!
I'm going to share this, because it's just too cute and affordable not to!
: ) Amy
Super cute!!!
This is seriously the cutest thing ever!! Thanks for sharing!
That is so cute!! Clever! love it!
This is so cute! I like it better than the pottery barn one! I really want to make this. . .but I am a little afraid that I will have a crappy nightstand in my driveway for a month before I finish it. Hmmm. . .maybe I will try.
Oh my goodness, that is adorable!
What a labor of love! I was looking at the pictures, thinking how my little one or my niece might like one of these play kitchens when my 7 year old son (who also turns long, skinny objects into swords)peered over my shoulder and remarked, "Cool soldier!"
Wow! That is going on my want list! Thanks for sharing
impressive!!.. this is so creative and the end product is very well done. good job!
extremly cute!
one would like to be a child again!
thank you for sharing!
It looks really great, and MUCH cuter than my dumb kitchen that cost $100 years ago. Nice job!
Love this! Linked over at my Earth Day Roundup!
WOW- what a great transformation! You did a fantastic job on this and love that pears & apples print too =)
Thanks so much for sharing- now I have some great ideas for kitchen accessories too!
I am really impressed ! Seems we all shop Goodwill for fabulous finds. This is quite a transformation !
Wow, our kitchens are so much alike! I really love the army guy on yours, I also have boys and that would be a cool "boy" touch. Thanks for checking mine out and leaving a comment. I am looking forward to perusing your blog now!
Is your nightstand press-wood or solid wood?
I think the nightstand is a mixture of both kinds of wood- although I know for sure it is not all solid wood. The drawer fronts were solid wood, and you can tell by looking at it that some of it is not solid wood. It is very heavy/solid though. :) And it is holding up very well. :)
I have been looking at making one of these for a couple weeks and all the nightstands I see on craigslist look too small. What would you say the length and width of yours is? Thanks!! This is one of my favorite so far!
I just found your blog. You have so many cool things. I love the red desk. But this kitchen is just...amazing. I love,it! Just perfect, what more can I say?
Ana Paula.
I love the popcicle stick burners! I'm including this in my Earth Day round-up tomorrow!
Hi, like another reader asked already, please can you give the measurements of the nightstand? This is my fave diy kitch by far! Thanks!
Hi- I added the measurements to the post. It is
15 inches deep
22 inches wide
21 inches high- to the stove and sink
and 40 inches high-to the very top
thanks for the comment and for stopping by!!
Thank you so much! Truly an inspiration. Not only am I making one for my son, this is going to be what I'm giving as kid's birthday presents from now on. Already bought a nightstand for only the equivelance of 2USD
I love your DIY kitchen! Great job!
Love your kitchen xx
So cute! I was hoping you could provide extra details about transforming a drawer into a hinged door for the oven?
Just wanted to say that we bought a tv stand off of craigslist and are using it to make our daughter a kitchen for Christmas with many of your ideas!
Hay i love this idea & recon my boys would to :) Now just to get the husband on bord :)-
All the little girls will love this.
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