Friday, June 4, 2010

The Red Desk Is Done!

It is finally finished!
This desk took us quite a while to refinish- mostly due to not having any free time! My husband did a large part of the work-sanding, priming, and we both did the painting. He bought this for me last summer for $35. The date on it was sometime in the 1960's.  Here is what it looked like:

It sat in our garge for months before we even started working on it. My husband....well he is a genuis..pretty much. :)  The drawers did not slide in and out really well, so he got some flat thumb tacks, and attached them so that now the drawers slide in and out very smoothly. He had to purchase a few screws for re-attaching the top, since the old ones were really worn out, and we purchased the new hardware. Total amount spend: $35 for the desk, plus about $20 primer and paint, and about $20 for the hardware- total about $75-80.

Picking red paint can be difficult... You don't want to get a color that is not too orange or too pink when what you really want is a true red. We used Glidden (because it was on sale at the time) Red Delicious in semi-gloss-because I did want a shiny red desk. This red is a true red. 

For the inside of the drawers, I picked up this cute wrapping paper from Target for a dollar, a while ago, and it was perfect for lining the drawers. I just taped it for now, in case I want to change it later. :)

Here it is dressed up with flower pens, and a fun runner....Since we are moving in a few days, this isn't going to be its home. I just had to enjoy it inside the house, since it was sitting in the garage for about a year.
Can't wait to fill up the drawers and put it to good use!

Thanks for reading! Happy Weekend.

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Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Oh my word! It looks great! LOVE it! The drawer liners are the perfect touch. :)

Tasha said...

Just gorgeous. I love how it turned out. It really is the perfect red.

familywithfivekids said...

It's beautiful Sharla! Love the red that you picked - it would look great in any room in your home.

Maggie Muggins said...

I love your desk! It turned out so great!

Anonymous said...


Leslie said...

i love this is red without being too bright. what color/paint did you use?

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Love the red desk. Great idea to put wrapping paper inside the drawers too. The runner completes it beautifully. Where are you moving too?

TrishAnderson said...

That is beautiful. I love that true red color. Great job!

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amy smart said...

This is beautiful! I'm so drawn to red these days. Love it.

Anonymous said...

This looks fantastic! I especially love the surprise pop of contrast and color when you open the drawers! Nice job!


Amy@ServingPinkLemonade said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your desk turned out beautiful. I loved your quiet book. I'm so glad you mentioned it. My kids would love that.