Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the tale of the Superman Initial Cape

Once upon a time there was a little boy who badly wanted his own "super hero cape". So his very kind mother, dropped everything that she should be doing (which is normal for her) and made him a cape. The boy was so happy! He wore it for about 10 minutes and never played with it again! Alas, thought his mother, maybe someday it will be fun again. And then she went to the dollar store and bought him a knight costume. He was so happy to be a knight, he made his Mommy a Sleeping Beauty (I wish) and his Daddy a dragon and his baby brother became a PRINCE. He changed his name to KNIGHT and continued to be the KNIGHT for 3 whole weeks. MORAL of the story: Spending $3 is easier than spending 3 hours making something your child wears for 10 minutes :)


Young Family said...

But its cute!

Dover Fam said...

Sharla!! WE would love you to join our swap. Homemade stuff is the BEST. We are actually working on homemade stuff for our swap. I just did a swap at another blog and the value was 25 dollars and I only spent 15 plus shipping. I used coupons and made stuff but the VALUE was way above 30. We would LOVE YOU TO DO IT. You are one of our favs!!!!

Jen said...

That's such a funny story! And SO true about kids! You just never know what they'll latch on to and wear out, do you?!

corilee said...

I would like to learn how to make those. Brandon would love it!!!

Doty Family said...

Funny kid. I'd much rather wear a cape!! So cute, I'll have to keep that in mind for my 2 superhero's!

Anonymous said...

You are so Cool! I love all you do! I just wish that my 14 yr old and 12 yr old would still wear those capes! I would totally make them! You are so famous also! Everyone is turned onto your blog! That is Awesome! I love it!

mylittlegems said...

Jann you are too funny and cute :) I laughed at your comments! Do you really want your older kids to wear capes or do you just wish they were still little! Well I lov eyou-you are very funny!!!

Cottrells said...

AMEN! I'm always making the girls something to help them to "be in character" and then it winds up in the bottom of the dress up tub! Oh well. Love the cape. Hope your family is doing well!
