Do you back things up on your computer regularly? This is a hard one for me to do. BUT...so important!! It doesn't really matter how much storage you have on your hard drive, things can happen and it can all be gone forever! This morning when I turned on our computer (which is ancient), it made this loud grinding sound. This isn't the first time it has done this. It has done this often lately. We have had our computer crash a few times in the past. However, I feel a crash may be upon us once again!
AND SO....I am on a mission to back things up like crazy!! This is a big job and could take me several days.
However it is a very important thing to do. I would really hate to lose all my 1000's of photos because I just did not back them up!! If you haven't backed-up your computer in a while, I challenge you to do this- organize your life and clean up your computer clutter! I am going to be doing just that....I'll let you know when the mission is accomplished :)
I just did this over the weekend. I was having a problem with mine and when my hubby's friend fixed it he warned me that it may not last very long. I would cry if my pics were gone forever!
We recently backed ours up and moved all our pictures to a portable hard drive, we have also saved our pictures to cd's. Lot of work but worth it.
I am so bad about this and it's on my list -- I'm going to "organize" both computers too -- go through every single file, clean it all out, back up pictures. A recipe for whole days in front of the computer, but I will feel so much better when it's done!
Thanks for this reminder. I have a pack of cd's that I have been meaning to crack open. I have all of my photos since my babes were born. I've GOT to get this done!
Sharla, thanks for the comment. Congrats on number 3! Looks like you have been doing lots of fun/crafty stuff with your boys, what a good mom! I need to do more stuff like that
I have lost my hard drive full of pictures several times. You'd think I'd learn? Ugh. At least I have my favorites uploaded, but still, it's so sad to lose everything. Way to go backing up!
(Oh, and Mamma Mia--I love it and it's very fun and infectious, but you'd have to see it before buying. There's a little bit of questionable material and whatnot.)
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