I know we have the internet and computers- to save us from the "Paper Clutter Monster"- but for me there are some things that I would like to save on paper. I recently made use of the collection of 3-ring binders sitting around our house. I have quite the collection of "paper items"- music, visuals for teaching at church, Family Home Evening lessons, Magazines I just can't tear apart or throw away (The Friend), and large photographs that I switch out in my frames for each season. So in order to help me declutter and get my life organized, I created a binder system to help me find things easily. Just another way I am working on saying"bye bye" to paper clutter :)
Do you still use binders? If so how do you use them?
Each of my kids have a binder with all of their extra school pictures. I love what you have done. I also have a file for each holiday that I tear out pages from my magazines that I like to keep.
Binders for our family home evening lessons and for all my stitching patterns. Briana also uses her old school binders to keep track of old school papers.
I use binders for coupons, emergency info, etc. But my problem is that we have no bookshelf space to STORE the binders!
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