Thank you for your positive feedback/comments with my little rag ruffle pillow. I made another and plan to make a few more. It is growing on me-- I am liking it. PLUS- I found this Pottery Barn one afterwards- so it must be cute right? I am loving it even more now!

Rag Ruffle Pillow
You need:
Fabric scraps cut into long strips about that are about twice the length of your pillow.
My pillow was 16 inches, so my fabric strips were at least 32 inches long.
Pillow Form
Warm-n-Natural batting or other batting
White or Cream fabric for front of pillow
Fabric for the back of the pillow
1.If you can, rip your fabric into long strips. This way you will have a raw edge- (hence the "rag" look)
2. Measure your pillow form. I used old-n-ugly pillows I have had for years and just recovered them. If your pillow form is 16 by 16 inches, cut your fabric 17 by 17 inches. You need extra for the seam allowance.
3. I used warm-n-natural batting for the inside of the front of the pillow- to give it more coverage.
4. Find the middle of each of your fabric strips. You can iron a line down the middle or just ...guess...which is what I did :)
5. Move your stitch length all the way to 4 on your machine. Leave your threads extra long and sew a stitch right down the middle of each of your strips of fabric. Do not back stitch. For more information on doing a gathering stitch, click here.
6. Carefully pull one of your threads from stitches down the middle. Pull the same thread on the other end and slowly form your gathers. Space them evenly.
7. Pin your ruffles to your piece of white fabric with the batting on the backside. Space your ruffles evenly and pin right on your gathering stitches.
8. I tried to sew to the side of the gathering stitches and then pull them out, but what worked best is to sew right on top of the gathering stitches. Then you don't have to pull them out. Make sure to set your stitch length back to 2 and a half-or whatever you normally set it at.
Sew the ruffles on. THIS IS IMPORTANT: Leave about 1/2 on the sides (top and bottom) of the pillow- where the long edge of the ruffle would be. You will need extra space here for sewing the pillow closed and sew that all the ruffles are on the front of the pillow and not on the edge. Hope that makes sense- :) email/or leave a comment if you have questions.
9. When all your ruffles are sewed to the front of your pillow, pin and sew the back side of the pillow to the front side- right sides together. Leave one side open so you can insert the pillow form.
10. If you really want the rag ruffle look, wash it before you put the pillow form inside of it. You can do it afterwards too. I washed one of the pillows...can you tell in the photo below which one?:) gives it a little different look.
11. Insert pillow- stitch up the open side...and you are done!
Throw it on your couch and enjoy! If you make one of these, I would love to see it! :)
These are precious! I love them in your room...the black and white chair is divine...the pillows really pop!!!
Have a great day!
So simply yet so cute! I love them! I think this will be my new project. i just need to get some pillows to sew on!
Thank you for this great idea! I posted a pic of my pillow on my blog here if you want to see:
(It's at the end of the post)
Thanks again, this was too fun! and much faster than quilting a pillow :)
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