Let's face it. The Dollar Store is my crafting inspiration-especially when it comes to crafts and projects for kids. I go in there to get ideas! I'm sure I'm not the only one. The other day I was picking something up there, when I saw Christmas placemats 2 for $1 and somehow I thought "puzzles". So I bought some and that is just what we did! Really not much to it-just cut out the puzzle as you like- depending on the age of your child. My child is 3, so I cut 9 pieces using my regular old scissors. He was able to do most of it on his own. Older children could make their own puzzle from a placemat. I plan to keep this in the diaper bag for when I need a quite activity. I think we'll make one or two for every holiday! **This post was featured on Blissful Kids. If you have not checked out Blissful Kids, check it out!
Another great idea!!! I go to the dollar store several times a week, but I have only seen material placemat's at ours. Dang it!! I'm on the hunt, because that is stinkin' cute!
So easy yet so awesome! This would be great for church! I love it!! Thanks
such a good idea...I am so going to the dollar store today!
Where do you come up with this stuff? Pure genius...
Our store didn't have any cute holiday place mats :( but they had a wall-e one...we are going on a plane ride next month and this will be a great activity to fill at least a few minutes of air time :) Thanks again!
super great idea! i'm off to buy some!
can i share on myskinnypurse.blogspot.com? This is right up my alley!
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