Saturday, March 31, 2012

Zoo Craft for Kids {preschool fun}

Way back in January, we made this cute craft in preschool. After looking for a new "zoo animal" idea, I saw a few similar ideas, and came up with this. It was a hit. The kids loved it.
Here is what you need:
regular size construction paper (1 per child)
standard sized zip-lock bag (1 per child)
animal crackers (5-10 per child)
pipe cleaners or chenille stems (6 per child)
crayons, stapler, single hole punch
Prepare beforehand:
Fold the paper in 1/2. Cut out a large rectangle in the middle of one side.
Punch 6 holes along both long sides of the rectangle. Write "zoo" on the top of  one side of the rectangle. Also, place the animal crackers in baggies.

 Let the children color their zoo. Then give them 6 pipe cleaners, and show them how to thread them through the holes, and bend the ends so that they create bars for the zoo animals. (You might have to help a few with the folding of the pipe cleaner ends.) Kids loved this part! For some reason, children this age really love pipe cleaners.

Next, place the baggie of animal crackers inside the folded paper and staple the edges. Now the animals will be safe in the zoo with no way to escape...- warn them to watch out for cracker-crazed preschoolers. Just sayin.

Have Fun and thanks for reading!
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Anonymous said...

Thank you so much. This will be perfect for my co op preschool. I love it! Noelle

Anonymous said...

For an extra educational element, have kids sort crackers so that each cage holds the same type of animal. Label with names to introduce the spelling of each type of animal.
Thanks for this great project! It will be perfect after our trip to the zoo!

Anonymous said...

I am using it for my Sunday school class. God made animals. They loved it!!!

Sinea Pies said...

Just wanted to tell you that I used your idea for my Z is for Zoo preschool lesson. I have written a post on Ducks 'n a Row all about it and included a link to yours :) Thanks for a great idea. The kids loved it.