Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reason for my blogging-change-of-pace

It is amazing that something so tiny and small can make you feel so crappy and yet so full of gratitude at the same time. This is baby #3 for me and I am hoping I feel better soon... I don't know how many months of this I can take of this feeling sick all day every day! Thanks for being so kind and patient- eventually I'll post something fun to read :) 10 weeks done, only about 30 more to go!


Shelby said...


Be Brave, Keep Going said...

ACK! Congratulations!!!!!!

Sandy said...

Congrats! Take your time and relax:)

Lara Neves said...

Congratulations, Sharla! So happy for you!

PS: We used the same trees in our headers this month!

Doty Family said...

Congratulations!! Baby #3 is a huge change. I have 3 kiddo's and baby #3 was hard, because you don't have enough hands and you will be outnumbered!! But oh it's so worth it and so much fun! Hope you feel better!!

Kritta22 said...

Oh Congrats! Look at your littl peanut!! How far along are you??
You are a strong woman to have two little ones plus being sick!
Don't worry about us in Blogland...we still love you! Now we all have some countdowning to do!! Congrats again!
Are you going to find out what you are having? do you have any preference?

Sandra said...

How wonderful! Congratulations. :)

Anonymous said...

congrats!!! try some vitamin B and lemondrops :) if you haven't already ;)

Jen said...

Take all the time you need! I hope you get feeling better soon. Congratus, again!!! I'm excited for you to have #3 :)

Kristi said...

Congrats. I hope you feel better soon.

Sarah M said...

Sharla I'm so excited for you guys!!! Life will change I'm sure, but every baby is so precious, and oh soooooo worth it :) Feel better soon!

S B H said...

OH MY GOSH!! Congratulations to you and your growing family! This little peanut is going to be so lucky to have a wonderful mommy like you!

Kellie said...

Congrats!!! Hope you get to feeling better soon. And this is a fun post ;) Tell those boys to take good care of you.

Letti said...


Dover Fam said...

I am so excited for you! Baby number 3 has been so much fun for me. You will do great and your little baby to be is a lucky kid to have a great creative mom like you. Best of luck!!! Keep us posted.

Poulsen Family said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new little one! You are the bestest mommy ever! What a great Chritmas present for y'all. Merry Christmas!

CC said...

Congrats on your new little peanut! :)

Cami said...

Congrats! I deciphered your Christmas letter in SECONDS!

Michie said...
