Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Change of Pace (temporarily)

I have been debating what to do during December since time is precious and there is so much to get done! I have decided to take a "blogging break" ALTHOUGH... I will and may post occasionally still during December- just not as often. (my husband says he will gladly post for me- but I don't know when he'd do that since he works 15 hours a day) I have decided to Enjoy the Season making memories with my family- but I will be back with more little gems and occasionally post a few this month! Happy Holidays everyone!


Jen said...

Good for you! You need the break ;)

I'll miss your great ideas this month.

Kritta22 said...

Oh I can't wait until January so we can play again!

Sandra said...

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season filled with Love and Precious Memories. :)

Anonymous said...

i agree, good for you!! happy holidays :)