Sunday, September 13, 2009

5K and some Quilt Tops

I have a really really wonderful husband-unselfish, kind, hard-working, -well you get the picture. He is so good, that when he has 2 days off in a row, on a weekend, he takes care of things around here as much as he can so I can have some time to do what I want to do. Yes, I am a lucky girl, and I married a good one. ☻
Since the sewing machine has been living on the kitchen table, I got to work.

I only have the tops pieced together, but still quite an accomplishment! Here is a peek:



Since I have 3 boys, I can't have 3 different quilts, because that equals FIGHTING. So I do have some leftover fabric to make 2 different but similar quilts of the top two.
And I used to hate quilting. But that was before I discovered super cute designer fabrics and machine quilting. Now I love it. Can't wait to finish these babies.

AND because what I REALLY SHOULD BE FOCUSING ON is losing the baby flab- (30 lbs down and about 40 more to go...) I ran/walked a 5K on Saturday. I was very disappointed in the lack of sponsors and participants, etc. but that is another story.
But I finished it. And don't judge my outfit. ☻ I don't have much to choose from these days. ☻I will be wearing XL t-shirts and sweats for a while and that is O.K....because baby needs me....and so do the cookies I just made. oops.

The best part was my cute cheerleaders. My husband and my 3 boys- 2 of them saying, "GO MOMMY GO!!" and you can't beat a moment like that, no matter how slow you run or how much weight you have to lose from having these little ones! They are worth every ounce. They are why I do what I do. ☻


Jingle said...

These tops are SO cute! I really love the top one lots! So full of color and excitement!

Sandra Nixon said...

Cute post, love the quilts and the pic of the run. Hey, at least you run, i don't even do that!

Laurel said...

Sharla, you amaze me. You really do.