Friday, July 15, 2011

He's Here!

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Sims Family said...

Congratulations! He is just darling!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Congratulations! Both pictures are so adorable.

Jen said...

Oh, congrats Sharla! I'm so happy for your little family :)I wish you both the best.

Tasha said...

Congratulations Sharla! He is just beautiful!! I love that picture of your other boys peeking in on him. So darling.

Rebecca@This Present Life said...

Congratulations on your sweet baby boy! His big brothers look so proud :)

Monica said...

Congratulations!. Those lips are way to pretty for a little boy. He will be a serious looker. Hope you are all doing great.

Maggie Muggins said...

CONGRATULATIONS! He is adorable!

Anonymous said...

WOW - Congrats!! My husband's brother was also blessed with four boys. Take Care! :)

Priscila said...

Congratulations! He is adorable!

punkinmama said...

Congrats! He's precious!

LatteJunkie said...

Oh Congratulations Sharla!

He is gorgeous.

May you have a wonderful time settling in to being a mum of a new born again!


Hands Sew Full said...

Congratulations!! He is gorgeous and the photos are all beautiful. The big brothers look so captured!!

cori said...

Aw,congratulations! Beautiful photographs! Do you have a name picked out yet? I am thrilled for you and your family. My love to you.

Mindy said...

Sweet pic of you and your little man! Love it! Thanks for sharing! He's definitely a keeper!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft said...

Ahh, he is SO adorable!! Congratulations! :)

Jenny said...

Congrats! What a cutie!

Amy said...

Congratulations! Love the pictures.

Laura said...

Congrats Sharla!!! he is so cute! LOVE his cheeks!

Amber Omer said...

Congratulations again! I'm so sorry I never get to read blogs these days. I've been so sick with this pregnancy, i'm just letting the house go a bit and relaxing to some good blogs instead!

I love these 2 pictures! I'm so happy for you and hope the little man is doing better.