I have recently had several people decide it was their job to "cyber-bully" or be a GRINCH .
Most of the time I ignore this immature behavior. Most bloggers know, that when you put yourself out there, someone is bound to find fault with you or what you have done or written. Some "know-it-all" who you have never met, is going to be rude.
I have had a few rude comments in the past, but for some reason it is always around the holidays.
For example-
I recently had someone quote "Wikipedia" to prove me wrong.
I recently had someone set up a blogger account with an insulting name, just so they could leave a RUDE comment. Seriously?
I don't understand what kind of results these people are trying to achieve. They don't know me. Are they trying to change me? Are they trying to cut me down? Would they say or do those kind of things to my face if they did know me? Are they trying to discourage me from writing anything more of this silly little blog? Are they trying to make themselves feel more important? Are they really so unhappy that it makes them feel good to insult other people online? Are they just desperate to be right? Do they get some kind of a thrill from being mean?
I think these kinds of people need to get a hobby.
I never claimed to know everything or write everything I put on here perfectly. I know it is flawed, as I am. And I am my worst critic. I never claimed to raise my children perfectly, or be some sort of "super mom". I never started this blog as a way to earn money or become "blog famous." I have no desire for that nonsense. Sometimes I even think about deleting this blog and just focusing on family and myself.
So take it as it is. If you read anything I write, know you will find mistakes. I know there are post that have errors or did not explain everything just perfectly. Please know if you read this blog, you will be reading something I probably did at 2 a.m. Please know that anything on here comes from a regular mom, who enjoys creating beautiful things to make her home life lovelier, and her children happier. Please know she is trying to do the best she can with what she has been given. Please know I am just a person, sharing things I love for no reason at all...except that perhaps something I write- as flawed as it may be- may help someone, or encourage someone to try something new. Mostly, I just really enjoy sharing ideas.
So this is just a friendly reminder to those mean people- who I still don't quite understand...
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Sharla, I appreciate all your great ideas. I'm sorry some people can be mean. I try and tell myself that maybe they have bad days or whatever, but truthfully I think some people are just mean! So keep on going and ignore them! :)
amen! someone just left a totally rude, anonymous comment on our blog...really? Was that appropriate....think what you want, but keep it to yourself! thanks for putting them back in their place!
Well said!
My belief is those people who have to say mean things is because they aren't happy with themselves and want to project their sadness in any way they can. Or they are just jealous of you and want to cut you down. IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE! You are one of the most amazing people I know! Don't waste any of your precious brain power thinking about them or even letting them make you feel bad!!!
I LOVE your blog. I absolutely ADORE it when you post your preschool ideas - they have helped me. Good luck to you. I understand wanting to stop to avoid naysayers (and even worse). I deleted my facebook account because of rude, condemning comments
Hmmm...I have no idea why people are the way they are. Mostly because they aren't happy, I bet. That's just so very sad. Please don't be discouraged because there are so many more that really do appreciate what you do here on your "little blog" and I have really found so many of your projects fun and useful! Thanks!
Isn't it so sad that people in this world focus on such petty things? Blogs are a persons way of sharing things with others. If they have a problem with something, then stop reading! Great post!
I am sorry people can be so mean! It's amazing how Christmas can cause the grinches to come out in full force... I've had them showing up on my blog too. Hang in there!
I am 47 years old but still get surprised sometimes by how ugly and mean people can be for no apparent reason... so just do like me and my 3 year old grand daughter do.. sing the Taylor Swift song "Why You Gotta Be So Mean?" at the top of your lungs and just try to let it roll of your back. Keep up the great blogging!
I can't believe that someone would do something like that! That's awful! I love your blog and I would be so sad if you stopped posting! It's one of the top 3 blogs I check every day I get online! You and your family inspire me! Thanks so much for all you do!
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