I try not to do the same things every year. Here are a few things we did this year:
We did this little craft, and song. The song (below) was pasted on the back of the above craft. (sorry the poem/song is blurry-but you should still be able to read it.)
Sprouting seeds is my favorite activity, and we do this one every year. Last year we sprouted beans and pumpkin seeds. We planted them afterwards (see below) and we actually got pumpkins and beans from both of them!
UPDATE: I have gotten MANY MANY requests for this sprout house. It is in my files and I have used it for over 20 years. However, if you want one, you can go to teachers pay teachers, and set up a free account, and search "sprout house". This is the link for the site:sprouthouses
Also, this works with BEANS- as in bean sprouts. Don't try it with apple seeds or pumpkin seeds. Of course you can get those to sprout too if you wait long enough- and we have done it. It works. But for preschoolers, and even early elementary kids, I use beans-kidney or black beans work best. They sprout in less than a week. Have fun! Thanks for your comments on this post! I hope the above link helps all of you!
The children are fascinated by this! They love to see what happens to the seeds. We check them a few times a long the way, but after about a week this is what it looked like:
The seeds we wrapped in a moist paper towel, now have stems, leaves, and roots! It is really fun to see what happens when you water a seed. My kids planted theirs in cans in the backyard. We have been watering them, and giving them what a plant needs and they are growing well.
We also read the book Muncha, Muncha, Muncha, and Tops and Bottoms. Both are fun stories for teaching young children a little about plants.
Thanks for reading! Happy Spring- or early summer- if you live in the Southwest!
Planting in paint tins! Genius! So glad I found your site - I will do my best to backlink as and when we get round to trying some of these :D
Do you happen to have a jpg of your sprout house?? 4cutegirls@gmail.com
i, too, am wondering if you have a link or copy of your sprout house. i am trying to design one myself, but it's not near as cute as yours! my email is ikeandteresa98@sbcglobal.net
I would love the sprout house too! We are Little Sprouts Daycare so it would be perfect! :)
I was wondering if you had a link somewhere on your site of the sprout house too. Thanks!
I would love the Sprout house too!
I would also like to know if you have a link to your sprout house! It's adorable and I know my preschoolers would go crazy over something like this! It would be greatly appreciated! Kieblercookie@hotmail.com
I too would love to receive a copy of the sprout house. My email address is karen@landau.com.au
Many thanks.
Would love, love, love to have the sprout house too. Pretty please! mailgohere33@aol.com
What a wonderful idea Sprout houses would look so much better hanging in the windows than just the baggies.W old send me a link to get it
Thanks Cheryl ctk43@aol.com
You can find a FREE copy of the Sprout House on Teachers Pay Teachers. Just search "Sprout House" and you'll find it.
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